Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Children, Please Be Men and Women of Silence. Pray, Pray, Pray
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

Message Of 08.04.2022 From Angela
This evening Mama showed up all dressed in white, even the mantle that enveloped Her was white, ample and the same mantle also covered Her head. On Her head was a crown of twelve stars, Her hands were joined in prayer, and in Her hands was a long, white rosary beads, as if made of light, which reached almost down to Her feet.
On her chest, Mama had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns.
Her bare feet resting on the world. The world was shrouded in a great gray cloud.
At the right hand of the Virgin Mary, was Jesus on the cross, with the marks of the passion.
Dear children, thank you for being here in My blessed wood. I love you children, I love you immensely.
My children, also this evening I ask you for prayer, let your life be prayer.
At this point, Mama went down on Her knees at the foot of the cross, and said to me, "Daughter, let us pray together, let us adore in silence." Mama looked at Her Son and Her face was streaked with tears, She did not speak, their gazes crossed, it was as if between the two, between Jesus and His Mother, there was a dialogue of gazes.
Then there was a long silence. After a while, Mama resumed speaking, but She was kneeling at the foot of the cross the whole time.
Daughter, for every wound on His body entrust your intention, for every sore and for every drop of blood. Let us pray!
Mama said, "For the holy wound of the right hand." And I answered, Mama I entrust families, especially those families who live far from God.
Daughter for the holy wound of the left hand. And I answered, I entrust and pray for the conversion of sinners and for all those who have not yet known God's love.
Daughter, for the holy wound of the right foot. And I answered, I pray and entrust the rulers of this earth.
Daughter by the holy wound of the left foot. And I answered, I entrust and pray for peace, peace throughout the world.
By the holy wound of the holy side. And I answered, I entrust and pray for the whole Church, for the Holy Father and for all priests.
Then Mama resumed.
Children, please be men and women of silence.
Pray, pray, pray.
Finally, Mama stood up, opened Her arms and from Her hands came rays of light that illuminated the entire forest.
And finally She blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.